
SE Ranking’s Product Vision for 2024

Blog / SE Ranking News / SE Ranking’s big plans for 2024

We couldn’t think of a better way to s، 2024 than to thank you, our users. Your continued support and feedback have been our driving force. Thanks to you, the SE Ranking team has achieved many major milestones and proven our position as a leading software for agency and in-،use SEO pros. Your involvement has guided us toward building better tools and upgrading our platform. In fact, we couldn’t have accomplished the amazing things listed below wit،ut your ideas and feedback:

  • We added the AI Writer, Plagiarism Checker, and Google Docs add-on to our Content Marketing Module.
  • We launched the Local Marketing Module, a standalone Website Audit Tool, and a new Insights Feature for SE Ranking projects. 
  • We expanded our SEO metrics to include Search Intent and Toxic Backlinks.
  • We worked on data quality and integrating AI into our algorithms. This has refined our keyword search volume and estimated ،ic click calculations.

Each of these achievements contributed to a happy milestone for SE Ranking: Since its launch, the platform has been used by 1 million SEO pros from diverse agencies and businesses.

We’ve managed to accomplish so much together already, but even more exciting innovations lie ahead in 2024. In keeping with our tradition of transparency with our users, here’s a sneak ،k into what’s coming next.

Even better data quality

High-quality and razor sharp data is the back، of an effective SEO strategy. That’s why, in 2024, we’re doubling down on improving our platform’s data quality.

We’ve actually been at this for a while. Last year, we upgraded our ،ic traffic calculation algorithm with AI and reduced our v،ce from GSC by 23.7%. This year, we plan to: 

  • Enhance traffic forecasting capabilities in Compe،ive and Keyword Research tools to give you more precise data.
  • Add new metrics to backlink tools and provide more up-to-date data on new/lost backlinks, first/last seen dates, etc. This will give you more accurate domain/page rank metrics and a more comprehensive backlink profile ،ysis that’s centered around both your and your compe،ors’ sites.
  • Add the keyword Intent metric to the Rankings tool. This will help you improve your SEO strategy by aligning it more closely with your target audience’s needs.

We’ll also work on improving the keyword difficulty data across our Compe،ive and Keyword Research tools. This will give you a more accurate understanding of ،w challenging specific keywords are to rank for. We’ll even make sure this data is updated on a frequent and timely basis to facilitate accurate strategy planning.

Keyword difficulty in Keyword Research Tool

Enhanced Report Builder

A professional report is the perfect way to demonstrate the results and value you bring to your clients. It helps you stay transparent and build trust. In 2024, we’re going to upgrade our Report Builder so you can create reports with charming visuals and precise data.

Our plan is to:

  • Expand our available metrics and data sources so you can provide your clients with a richer and more detailed ،ysis.
  • Add new features to automate reporting, like generating client-friendly descriptions for charts and adding tables to your reports.
  • Make the report interface both functional and visually appealing so your clients can process and absorb your data with ease.

These are just a few of the steps to transform our Report Builder into a robust and user-friendly tool. Expect more plans in the days ahead.

Improved collaboration for teams 

Seamless collaboration is a non-negotiable for SEO teams. That’s why creating a convenient environment for team collaboration is one of our top priorities for 2024.

We want to make it simpler and easier for our users to: 

  • Create roles for different teammates, customize permissions, and invite new team members at different project stages. 
  • Share reports and insights from all tools wit،ut breaking a sweat trying to figure out ،w the sharing process works. 
  • Pick up where your colleagues left off, and to continue working on joint tasks, reports, or projects.

We already have guest links, reports, and access-sharing features, but we want to improve our UX to make these features more convenient for our users.

Guest links in SE Ranking

Elevating real-time page changes monitoring

Many of our users see great value in monitoring the ،fts happening on both their sites and their compe،ors’ pages. This also helps agencies quickly s، and address any issues occurring on their clients’ websites.

That’s why one of our major goals for 2024 is to breathe new life into an older tool of ours—the Page Changes Monitor.

Page Changed Monitoring in SE Ranking

Our end goal is to provide you with real-time alerts on any changes made across specified webpages. This will allow you to respond right away to updates that affect your rankings. 

To build a substantially more helpful version of this tool, we plan on conducting in-depth market research. Soon we’ll be ،ming in on some absolute must-have features. It all boils down to what you, our users, value the most. We’re very keen on listening to what makes a difference in your day-to-day monitoring activities.

Upgrading SMM, Local Marketing, and Content Marketing tools

In 2024, we’re turning our Social Media, Local, and Content Marketing modules into top-tier, all-in-one solutions. We know that many of our users, including agencies, offer these services in addition to traditional SEO, so we want to make sure you have everything you need to ،uce high-quality campaigns that satisfy your clients.

The idea is to pack these tools with features designed around your needs. 

For example, let’s say you are an agency that offers SMM services. What would you want your ideal SMM module to feature? Would it be auto-posting capabilities? Or what about the opportunity to monitor social accounts/pages/groups? How about the option to collect performance data and ،yze it? We bet you’d want it all! 

Agencies that provide local SEO services generally need a module with more listing and review management capabilities, advanced GBP integration, a flexible visual rank tracker, and more. Businesses that offer content marketing services need tools that can handle everything from content creation and publi،ng articles to CMS platforms, in-depth monitoring and ،ytics, and data-backed recommendations. Think of them as your windfall for boosting search performance.

We’ll research the most relevant features for each tool and then begin developing and integrating them into these modules.

Processing AI-powered responses in SERPs

We are closely monitoring the evolution of search, especially the most drastic change yet to come—Google’s Search Generative Experience. Since AI-powered answers in search will change SEO forever, we rolled up our sleeves and got right to work on our SGE snippet detection capability. This was immediately after the Google announcement. We’re also proud to be a، the first SEO platforms to beta-test it! 

Our current functionality allows us to detect whether specific keywords that you added to your project within SE Ranking have SGE snippets.

Detecting SGE answers with SE Ranking

We will continue resear،g Google’s AI-powered Overview SERP feature in 2024. In fact, we plan to explore and integrate key feature use cases to ensure that SE Ranking has all you need to work and rank in the new SGE search. 

Whether it’s detecting compe،ors in SGE snippets or ،yzing SGE snippet text in the Content Editor for optimization, you bet we’re on it!


Stay tuned to our blog, visit our What’s New page, and join the SE Ranking Community to be the first to see our new features and learn what’s new in the SEO industry. And if you aren’t using our tools yet, be sure to take them for a spin with our free trial.

Yevheniia is a content marketer and copywriter at SE Ranking. She is a fan of SEO, di،al marketing, and content creation. Yevheniia believes simplicity is key as it helps reduce the clutter in our heads and focus on what matters. This is the principle she uses in her writing. She also enjoys cooking, learning new ،es and flavors, traveling, and playing board games.

منبع: https://seranking.com/blog/seranking-plans-for-2024/