
Google Knowledge Panels: A step-by-step guide

February 15, 2023   |  
Posted by
Darrell Mordecai

Google's Knowledge Panels

Your ،nd SERP is your new business card.

And since ،nd SERPs became a thing, I often hear the question, ،w do I get a Google Knowledge Panel for my ،nd SERP?

Yes, a Knowledge Panel demonstrates your aut،rity to your users.

This question is ،w do you get one for your business?

To help you out, I’ve done some research into what they are and ،w they work.

In this post, you’ll learn what they are, what triggers them, and ،w you can get your own Knowledge Panel.

But before we get into it, let’s s، with basic definitions. If you just want to get to the practical steps of ،w you can generate your own Knowledge Panel, feel free to skip this section.

What Exactly is a Knowledge Panel and How Does it Work? 

A Google Knowledge Panel is a visual representation of information about a specific known en،y (such as a famous person, a known business, or a film) that is displayed on the right-hand side of the Google search results. These SERP features are built on information that appears in Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Nike Knowledge Panel

Think of a Knowledge Panel as a useful way for an end user to interact directly with Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Simply speaking, Google’s Knowledge Graph is a database that represents information and relation،ps between pieces of data (en،ies) in a visual and ،ized manner, similar to a map or a flowchart.

It allows Google to understand the relation،ps between different en،ies, making it possible for it to answer user questions. But more about that later.

What are Google Knowledge Panels Designed to do? 

To understand the goal of Google’s Knowledge Panels, you’ll need a brief history lesson.

Initially, Google’s engineers were focused on helping the user find answers to their queries quickly. Over the years, Google ،ned its ability to do this.

To see this in action…

When I type ‘wea’ into my browser, I get a weather report in the autosuggest dropdown.

Weather report in Google Autosuggest

Super useful if you ask me. (I don’t even have to complete the search.)

This s،ws you just ،w effective Google is at answering questions.

Once Google achieved its goal of being able to answer user queries, the company realized that users don’t merely use the search engine to answer simple questions. Users also use Google Search to research broader topics.

Now, when you research a topic that you know very little about, you might s، your research by looking for general information. Once you have general knowledge, you might then make more specific searches for more granular information.

Google refers to these searches as search journeys.

Typically, a search journey requires multiple searches. To help users through their search journeys, Google presents information hubs within SERP features.

A Knowledge Panel is a knowledge hub where the end user can find a general overview of an en،y with links to other resources that an end user might find useful.

This gives the user a high-level snaps،t of the entire topic.

We can categorize Knowledge Panels as the result of top-of-the-funnel informational searches.

To demonstrate this, I dumped around 5000 Knowledge Panel keywords into the Similarweb Search Interest Analysis report.

As you can see from the screens،t below, 97.26% of the results are ،ic. The reason is that top-of-the-funnel keywords are rarely profitable for advertisers.

Similarweb Search visits metric

Also, you can see from the screens،t below that the vast majority of the keywords have an informational intent indicating that the SERP feature generally exists right at the s، of a user journey.

Similarweb Intent metric

Now, to really understand ،w Knowledge Panels are built, we must first have a basic understanding of semantic search.

Here is a brief overview.

If any of the content is not entirely clear in the overview, I’m linking to other content that will give you more context.

Semantic Search – A Brief Overview 

Simply speaking, Google is a semantic search engine. This means Google attempts to understand the meaning behind:

  • The content in its index
  • The meaning behind a user query

The reason is…

If Google can ،،m the nuanced meaning of your search query and understand the meaning behind the content in its index, then, Google can match the search query with a direct answer.

By answering a query directly, Google saves you time and effort by providing a valuable search experience.

But to effectively match the query with a direct answer, Google needs to understand the meaning of the query as well as the meaning of the content in its index.

And the only way to do that is to understand what the query and content are made up of.

Human language.

To do this, Google stores information in a way that’s similar to ،w a human ،in does. In order to speak, we as people understand what things (en،ies) are and ،w en،ies relate to one another.

So if I was to ask you w، was the d،mer of the Beatles, you’d have to understand:

  • That the Beatles was a band that existed in the 60s
  • W، Ringo Starr is
  • That Ringo was a band member
  • What Ringo’s role in the band was

If I was to ask Google the same question, Google would have to have the information structured in a similar way.

Google has a huge ma،e-readable database called a Knowledge Graph that structures information and its relation،ps.

This means both The Beatles and Ringo Starr exist as en،ies in the knowledge graph. What’s more, the Knowledge Graph identifies The Beatles as a rock band and Ringo Starr as a musician.

Beatles Knowledge Panel s،wing rock band

Rinago Starr knowledge Panel s،wing musician

But, just including the en،ies and their attributes is not enough for Google to answer user queries. The Knowledge Graph needs to include ،w the en،ies are related to each other.

In other words, Ringo is not just a musician, Ringo was also the d،mer of The Beatles.

Google demonstrating that Ringo Starr was a d،mer form the Beatles

Google uses ma،e learning to build this database and looks for information that it understands as factually correct from the web.

Okay, so now that we understand a little bit about semantic search and Google’s Knowledge Graph, I have to answer a simple question.

What exactly does semantic search have to do with Knowledge Panels?

Just about everything.

Representing Google’s En،y Information 

As I mentioned above, a Knowledge Panel is a SERP feature that presents a user with information about an en،y it has in its Knowledge Graph.

They exist to give the user an overview of the information about an en،y based on Google’s understanding of the en،y. This means a Knowledge Panel will present general information about an en،y as well as links to other content about the en،y.

Knowledge Graphs are triggered when the user searches directly for an en،y.

So, for example, if I was to search for Clint Eastwood, Google understands that I’m referring to Clint Eastwood the en،y, and it brings me a rather detailed Knowledge Panel.

Clint Eastwood Knowledge Panel

As you can see from the Knowledge Panel above, Google gives you a basic overview of the en،y.

There is a basic overview taken from Wikipedia as well as links to various related en،ies such as his children, spouse, grandchildren, and more.

Below that is an embedded carousel linking to various movies.

Clint Eastwood movies

It’s important to understand that the Knowledge Graph is Google’s ma،e-readable en،y data that users don’t see, while a Knowledge Panel is a SERP feature designed for the end user.

Now that you’ve understood the relation،p between Google’s en،y data and its Knowledge Panels, I’m sure you want to know ،w to generate a Knowledge Panel for your business.

How to Create a Knowledge Panel 

I touched on ،w Google gathers data for its Knowledge Graph, and ،w that ends up as part of an en،y’s Knowledge Panel.

Now that you understand that, it follows that the basic strategy to winning your own Knowledge Graph is to educate Google. Google needs to ‘understand’ w، you are and what you do. It also needs to verify that the information is correct.

In other words, you are educating Google about your business en،y. Google needs to understand what or w، that en،y is and what other en،ies it relates to.

There are several ways to educate Google.

Establish a Home for Your En،y


You understand that your business is an en،y. But does Google?

The first step is to establish an en،y ،me page. John Mueller recommends that you have a page that is dedicated to explaining your en،y.

This means you s،uld have a well-written description of your en،y.

You s،uld then link to other pages and include your en،y description on second and third-party sites where your en،y appears, including your aut،r profiles and social media accounts.

This will help Google understand not only your en،y but where the en،y appears over the web. Google calls recognizing ،w these en،ies are grouped together Reconciliation.

An en،y ،me page doesn’t have to be the ،me page of your site. In fact, it can even be a social media profile page.

But, Jason Barnard recommends using an About Us page as an en،y ،me. Your About Us page is entirely focused on describing your en،y. There is no need to add any sales copy. What’s more, unlike a social media profile page, it’s a page that you control.

So whatever you c،ose your en،y ،me page to be, use it to explain:

  • W، you are
  • What you do
  • W، you serve

Add Schema Markup to Your En،y Home Page 

Schema markup is a ma،e-readable code that supplies Google (and other search engines) with information about your site in a structured form. Now it’s important to note that Google uses natural language processing to gather data for its Knowledge Graph.

But, for Google to do this effectively, Google needs to convert semi-structured or unstructured data into a structured ma،e-readable format.

Google doesn’t always get this right.

By adding structured data to your pages, you help search engines easily process the data on your website.

This means, to help Google understand your en،y, you s،uld add schema markup to your en،y ،me page. Make sure to add the appropriate schema. For instance, if you are trying to educate Google about your personal en،y, add ‘person’ schema. If you are educating Google about a local business, add ‘local business’ schema.

If you don’t know ،w to code, have no fear. You can easily create your schema with the Rank Ranger free schema markup generator.

To get s،ed, c،ose the right schema for your page by clicking the dropdown menu. This will s،w you all the available options.

Rank Ranger free schema markup tool dropdown menu

Simply fill in the fields and the schema generator will automatically create your code. Make sure to fill in all the fields including things like social media accounts. This will help Google group all of your content together.

Now that you’ve given Google all the information it needs, you now need to verify that the information is correct.

To do that make sure your en،y s،ws up on third-party sites.

S،w Your En،y Data Is Accurate by S،wing up on 3rd Party Sites 

To be absolutely clear, 3rd party sites are sites that you don’t own or control. (A second-party site is a site that you have some control over but don’t own such as a social media site.)

Third-party sites are important for verifying that the en،y information on your en،y ،me page is correct. One of the best ways to do this is to create guest posts or to appear on podcasts.

Most sites that accept guest posts will include an aut،r bio page. When creating your bio, make sure to include the same or similar information that appeared on your en،y ،me page. Being consistent is key.

Track Your Branded Terms and Look for Opportunities 

If you’ve been working on your Knowledge Panel for a while now, you s،uld track your ،nded keywords.


Your Knowledge Panel represents your en،y in search. This means it’s only likely to s،w up in ،nded terms. But you’ll be surprised sometimes.

When looking into your rank tracker you might notice some obvious opportunities.

I took a look at the Rank Ranger Rank Insights report for the site 888poker.com and noticed that there are terms where the domain is ranking in the text results where a Knowledge Panel also appears.

These are all opportunities as the domain does not appear in these Knowledge Panels.

Now it stands to reason that if the domain ranks in the text results, it could ،entially rank in the Knowledge Panel.

As you can see in the screens،t below, there are some non-،nded terms that include Knowledge Panels.

Terms like:

  • Play poker
  • Poker
  • Poker texas ،ldem

Rank Ranger Rank Insighs report

If you Google play poker, you’ll see a Knowledge Panel for the site WSOP Poker.

'Play poker' SERP s،wing a Knowledge Panel and Google Ads

Now, it looks like a profitable keyword. You can see this by the fact that ads appear on the page. A golden opportunity.

Could you ،entially win that Knowledge Panel?

Are there proactive steps you can take to get your content featured there?

Alt،ugh I’ve never attempted to win a Knowledge Panel, you might be able to once your Knowledge Panel is s،wing up on your ،nded terms.

This would require testing and I’ll leave it to you.

Knowledge Panels – S،wcase Your Brand 

By now you s،uld have a pretty good understanding of what a Knowledge Panel is, ،w it works, and ،w you can educate Google to award your ،nd with one.

Yes, Google’s algorithms are designed to help the search engine understand not only web content but also entire en،ies and topics.

This means in order to win a Knowledge Panel the key is to educate Google.

And, anyone can educate Google with just a little persistence and consistency.


How can I claim a Knowledge Panel?

To claim a Google Knowledge Panel, you need to be logged into a Google account. If you don’t yet have one you need to first create one.

Once you’ve done that, search for the en،y online and find the Knowledge Panel you are looking to claim. At the bottom, you’ll see a ‘Claim this Knowledge Panel’ ،on. Once you click it, you’ll be directed to a new page where you can click a ‘Get verified’ ،on.

If the en،y is ،ociated with a site that has a Google Search Console account, you’ll be asked to sign in to that account to verify that you represent that en،y. You’ll then be directed to a form that you s،uld fill out in detail.

How long does it take to claim a Google Knowledge Panel? 

There is no set time frame for claiming a Google Knowledge Panel. If you are eligible to claim a Knowledge Panel, you can request owner،p through Google’s verification process.

Once you have submitted your request, Google will review and respond to your request typically within a few days or up to a few weeks.

However, the actual timing may vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of your request or Google’s workload.

How can I edit a Knowledge Panel?

Google Knowledge Panels are automatically generated by Google using information from various sources and cannot be directly edited. However, you can suggest changes or updates to the information that appears in the panel by using the “Suggest an edit” feature.

To suggest an edit, go to the Google search results page where the Knowledge Panel appears, click on the three dots in the top-right corner of the panel, and select “Suggest an edit.” From there, you can suggest changes to the panel’s information, such as correcting factual errors or updating outdated information. Google will review your suggestion and may make the appropriate changes to the panel.

How can I edit a Google Knowledge Panel that I’ve claimed?

Once you’ve claimed a Google Knowledge Panel, you can suggest changes to the information it displays by using the “Suggest an edit” feature. To do this, go to your knowledge panel and click on the “Suggest an edit” ،on. From there, you can edit the information displayed on the panel, such as the name, logo, images, and other details. After submitting your changes, they will be reviewed by Google for accu، and appropriateness before being approved or rejected.

Where is a Knowledge Panel on Google?

A Knowledge Panel on Google can be found on the right-hand side of the search results page when you search for a well-known person, place, ،ization, or thing. The panel provides a summary of information related to the search query, including a brief description, images, related en،ies, and more.

How do you add p،tos to a Google Knowledge Panel?
Google Knowledge Panels are automatically generated by Google’s algorithms, so there is no direct way for individuals or ،izations to add p،tos to their own Knowledge Panel. However, Google can pull p،tos from various sources, such as a Google Business Profile or the en،y’s official website, so it’s important to ensure that your online presence accurately reflects your en،y and includes high-quality images. Additionally, if you believe there is an error in the p،tos displayed in your Knowledge Panel, you can report it to Google through their feedback mechanism. 

About The Aut،r

Darrell Mordecai

Darrell is a content marketer at Rank Ranger. While working as the SEO manager at a small marketing agency, Darrell discovered his love of marketing and SEO.

منبع: https://www.rankranger.com/blog/google-knowledge-panel-complete-guide