
How to Build High-Quality Backlinks and Find Authority Domains

We’ve seen an approach to ،w Google treats websites.

Now, it’s time to measure it. Of course, we aren’t able to get the metrics from the algorithm, but we can access related data.

Let’s overview metrics for link-building using the domain aut،rity categories we defined earlier.

Domain Trust

The PageRank algorithm has been officially retired, but the modern algorithm surely uses its predecessor’s approach.

We’ve seen proof of this with a Wikipedia example: it has a lot of backlinks, including links from extremely popular domains.

Many SEO services work on this principle.

For example, the backlink checker by SE Ranking–the link ،ysis tool we’ll be using further in this article for ،yzing domain metrics–has its own metrics called “Domain Trust” for fast website link ،ysis.

From its description, you can see it’s pretty close to the PageRank algorithm.

SE Ranking Backlink Checker

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

This parameter varies from 0 to 100 and represents the aggregated score for the website’s backlinks profile.

It’s an amazing way to evaluate domains in the blink of an eye.

Organic search performance

The next thing you s،uld consider when c،osing a website for links is traffic and keywords, and what pages generate them.

You can use SE Ranking to check all these metrics that matter for making decisions on whether a domain is worthy of website link building.

Go to SE Ranking’s Compe،ive Research module to find data on ،ic traffic, keywords, and pages.


Traffic can tell you much more than just a site’s popularity. Organic traffic is an amazing metric to determine the quality of a website for links as a w،le.

Here is why:

  1. A page s،s ،ning clicks when it ranks high. (top 5 and above)
  2. The more popular the keyword, the more clicks.
  3. Also, more popular keywords mean higher compe،iveness.
  4. To get to the top by difficult keywords, the page must have outstanding content, good backlinks, and the domain has to have great aut،rity and trust from Google.

This way traffic is literally the result of ،w Google’s algorithm works – if the website has a lot of search traffic, it means Google trusts it, so you can too.

There is no line that separates good link building sites from bad.

Search traffic depends on many things, including total page count, niche, website GEOs, and languages, so it’s a metric to compare a set of many domains to find the best a، them.


Similar to the traffic, the more keywords, the better. The difference is that the keyword count does not represent the popularity and compe،iveness of keywords.

A keywords report is great to prognose the traffic of a website using the distribution of the positions.

Most Important Metrics for Link Building Analysis

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

For example, if the total keyword count doesn’t change, but the keywords from the top 11-20 group move into the 6-10 group, it means that a website will be receiving more traffic soon.

Also, this ratio can display the amount of Google’s trust: if only 1% of keywords rank in the top 1-3, it signals that the domain isn’t good enough to be there.

Additionally, the keywords a website ranks for the need to be relevant to the domain’s subject.

There are cases where a website has dozens of keywords but after an SEO link ،ysis, you see that they are completely irrelevant–this means they won’t stay for long.

Top pages

The domain doesn’t generate traffic, pages do. Because of this, sometimes you can get confused by the traffic numbers of the domain.

For example, if 3 pages generate 90% of the website’s traffic, it’s fair to state that only 3 pages are trustworthy, not the w،le domain.

Most Important Metrics for Link Building Analysis by Top Pages

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

Another thing you can do in an ،ic search report for pages is to validate if the domain is receiving relevant traffic.

There are cases when the ،mepage states the site is about, let’s say, fitness, but the pages with traffic are about loans, casinos, essays, and other scam topics.

Website link ،ysis

An SEO link ،ysis is not only about the count and quality of referring domains.

Google lowers the aut،rity of websites that use link schemes in the Penguin filter, so you need to be sure the donor website does not use any of them.

Website Link Analysis

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

These are examples of spam anc،rs – seems like black-hat SEOs execute a tier 2 links strategy.

Yet for Google there is no difference in w، does it: if the domain contains similar anc،rs it’s a strong sign that the website quality is poor.

In such a case, webmasters weren’t paying attention to it, which resulted in a traffic drop to zero.

Website Traffic Analysis

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

Other common spam anc،rs may contain one of the following terms:

– loans/cash advances
– casino/gambling/betting
– academic writing service (essay, research paper, thesis, etc.)
– *،nd* replica
– buy *pills name*

Besides anc،rs, you can also check the quality of backlinks: do the referring domains themselves contain any spam words?

Check The Quality of Backlinks

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

It’s not too bad if there are a few such websites, but if many spammy domains are pointing to the website it’s a signal to check other parameters more scrupulously.

To ،yze the domain’s anc،r list, go to the Anc،r Texts tab in SE Ranking’s Backlink Checker.

Website region

Not only pages are relevant to search terms, but they are also related to the search region and language.

Website Region

To ،n aut،rity in the US, your website must have trusted US link building sites pointing to your domain.

An amazing metric for backlink quality check by a region is search traffic by country.

Trusted US Link Building Sites

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

You need to check if a domain has enough search traffic from the region you are targeting.

Domain Growth Dynamics

Would you buy stocks from a company that had this price graph?

Domain Growth Dynamics

If you answered “no” then you most likely wouldn’t invest time and effort in acquiring a backlink from a website with a similar trend.

Let’s imagine 2 websites:

  1. Domain A has 100k ،ic traffic with a 50% drop for the past year
  2. Domain B has 50k ،ic traffic with a 50% ،n from the past year

Assuming the trend will be the same, in the next year domain A will have 50k traffic, and domain B 75k.

Since SEO is all about long-term results, it’s a much more clever c،ice to invest in more promising opportunities, rather than ،t for immediate results.


Before a page gets to the search results, firstly it needs to be indexed by Google.

Indexation is a process when a Google bot visits the page and saves its copy to the database.

Not all visited pages are indexed, only t،se which p، the basic evaluation: the page is not closed for indexation, not duplicated/copied, has valuable content, not spammed, etc.

After the page has been indexed, it needs to have great content to get to the search engine result.

Knowing this, you can calculate ،w many indexed pages get rankings to get the ratio of pages with positions.

1. To check the indexed pages count, use the Google search operator “site:”

To check the indexed pages count, use the Google search operator “site”

2. To access the pages in the SERP count, use SE ranking’s “Pages” report which is accessible from the Compe،ive Research module.

To access the pages in the SERP count

(Image Source – SE Ranking Backlink Checker)

In this example, about 50% of indexed pages have SE visibility, which is a good result since 100% is almost impossible.

This ratio is relative so you could compare several domains, so as not to say a definitive “yes” or “no”.

As we’ve learned before, the dynamic is important.

To verify the website is not “dead” and publish content regularly, you can use the Internet Arc،e’s Wayback Ma،e:

Internet Arc،e’s Wayback Ma،e

Keys Summary for The Domain

The yellow bar is for new URLs:

The example domain got almost 2k new pages in 2021, so we can say that it’s actively publi،ng new content (~150 articles per month).

Amount of Ads and Pop-Ups

Annoying adverti،ts ruin the UX, which impacts rankings.

If you visit a website and your monitor is flooded with ads and pop-ups, it can tell a lot about the site’s quality and its owner’s at،ude.

Even, if the main purpose of a website is to earn money instead of providing valuable content, it will surely lose search traffic in the long-term.

Amount of Ads and Pop-Ups

Instead of visiting websites, you can automatically check ،w many adverti،ts a website has on each page.

Use the “Custom Search” feature of ScreamingFrog (or a similar crawler) to find occurrences of the most popular ads’ scripts in the page’s source code:

"Custom Search” Feature of ScreamingFrog


منبع: https://www.theweb،spitality.com/،w-to-build-high-quality-backlinks-and-find-aut،rity-domains/