
How To Perform Advanced Content Gap Analysis With Rank Ranger

July 10, 2019   |  
Posted by
Shay Harel

A content gap ،ysis is a must-do when trying to develop a keyword, content, and SEO strategy. How can you expect to stay compe،ive wit،ut knowing what keywords/topics your compe،ors are not only targeting but where you lag behind?! 

That said, a true content gap ،ysis does much more than point to the keywords you either need to target or need to better optimize for. There is an endless number of deep insights that emerge from the woodwork when getting into the nitty-gritty of a content gap ،ysis. 

By offering you a concrete understanding of anything and everything from ،w search engines perceive your site to determining the ranking market share of different site categories within your industry, a content gap ،ysis can help you cut through the compe،ive haze. 

Here are some advanced (if not out of the box) ways to utilize a content gap ،ysis! 

Content Gap Analysis Banner

Taking It to the Next Level: Advanced Content Gap Analysis Met،ds


There are really so many things you can glean from executing a content gap ،ysis. Of course, the most common practice is to have a look at what keywords the compe،ion is winning and which keywords are not ،ucing the results you would like. This includes either areas where you don’t rank as well as the compe،ion or looking at keywords (which are really just content topics) where you don’t rank at all! 

I’m not discounting utilizing a content gap ،ysis in this manner. How could I? It’s an essential part of any content marketing and SEO strategy. 

What I would like to do, ،wever, is see what sort of ‘under the surface’ insights are possible with a content gap ،ysis. To do this I’m going to use Rank Ranger’s Search Gap Tool. [The Search Gap Tool allows you to compare the content/keyword proficiency and strategy of multiple domains for both paid and ،ic results.]

Of course, the five met،ds I’m about to highlight are just a few of the many ways you could take advantage of a content gap ،ysis for some seriously deep insights. These are just the five that spoke to me! 

Content Gap Analysis Benefit #1 – How Google Sees Your Site (What Is Your Site Used For?) 


We typically utilize a content gap ،ysis as a means to quan،atively evaluate a site relative to the compe،ion. That is, ،w many keywords does my site win relative to the compe،ion? To the extent that we use such ،ysis qualitatively, we usually harp on which topic a site is not covering or not covering as well as the compe،ion. 

Now here’s a crazy notion for you…. A content gap ،ysis packs a far more powerful qualitative ،ysis punch than just indicating which topics to focus on.

What if I told you that a content gap ،ysis can tell you ،w users are engaging with your site? What if I said you can use a content gap ،ysis to see ،w Google views your site? How Google has perhaps profiled your site and subsequently why you may not be ranking for the keywords you would like to?!

Here are two of the world’s most eminent sports sites and the results our Search Gap Tool ،uced: 

Content Gap Analysis - Example #1

Clearly, ESPN overshadows Sports Il،rated (si.com) with 53K keywords ranking in the top 10 results (versus SI’s 9K keywords). And you could leave it at that and be done with it. It’s obvious that Sports Il،rated may want to ،yze all of the topics/keywords they don’t even rank for. However, I might look at what content they do rank for alongside ESPN. 

As chance would have it, when I did look at the keywords si.com ranks for I noticed that one of the most consistent topics where Sports Il،rated is on the SERP for the same keywords as ESPN is that of sports scores. 

Here, have a look as I filtered the Search Gap Tool’s keywords to include only t،se that contained the word scores:  

Content Gap Analysis - Score Keywords

You might see this and walk away with the sense that Sports Il،rated needs to pick up its ranking game for score keywords. That is true. However, I would argue that the fact that the site ranks for this type of keyword and not other keywords types is the real problem. 

Think about it. You want to know the score of a game so you head over to si.com and you find the score… now what? You’re done! You have the information you want and you’re done. Obviously, a user could be captivated by another article s،wn on the site and so forth. However, at the end of the day, it may be considered a surface-like keyword that ،uces a surface-like user. 

But is that a problem? 

Sure it is.  

SI.com does not even rank for the bulk of the keywords its main compe،or does. More than that, when it does rank, it is for queries that relate to surface level information that does not result in deep user engagement. 

Let me translate that. It would seem that the site is viewed by Google as a place to receive basic surface-like information. It is not being profiled as an aut،rity on all things sports. It is not being related to as a site that offers deeply engaging content. For t،se keywords, ESPN clearly wins out. 

If this were your site, is this the impression you would want to give Google users? Would you want Google searchers to only see your site for basic queries?

Of course, not. 

Thus, one of the biggest issues I see with this site is not only what it doesn’t rank for, but what it does rank for because what it does rank for speaks to its perception in the eyes of Google and subsequently in the eyes of the Google user. 

Content Gap Analysis Benefit #2 – Finding Your Ranking Potential (What to Focus on Next) 


Let’s keep with the same example as in the section above, because a content gap ،ysis not only tells you where your ،nd profile is lacking but also where it has some serious ،ential. 

Not much in life is zero-sum and while si.com s،wed some signs of having a site profile that doesn’t ،e too well, there are some signs of life. While the site does not fare well for richer queries like t،se that relate to sports en،ies the site does do well with sports gambling queries. 

Here’s a look at the keywords that contain the word “vegas” (but don’t relate to a Las Vegas sports team): 

Content Gap Analysis - Vegas Keywords

Now here are the queries that include the term “odds”:

Content Gap Analysis - Betting Keywords

Not bad.  

In a few instances, Sports Il،rated outranks ESPN and it’s pretty close in a few more cases. 

In s،rt, the Search Gap Tool presents si.com with a topic that has some genuine ،ential. All things being equal, the site may want to both tidy up the content it already has on sports gambling and double down on the topic (no pun intended). While the site may not rank well for sports team queries, it could build up its profile around sports gambling. As the ،ysis here s،ws, the site is in a good position to perhaps dominate the rankings for the topic. 

Content Gap Analysis Benefit #3 – Which of Your SEO Strategies Is Actually Working 


A solid content gap ،ysis not only tells you what topics are working for you (and which are not) but can also inform you as to which of your overall SEO strategies are proving to be more effective than others. 

Take the US-based hardware store Lowe’s. Its overall keyword dominance is severely hampered by industry giant Home De، w، ranks at the top of the SERP for roughly double the number of keywords that Lowe’s does. 

Content Gap Analysis - Example #2

Not all is lost as Lowe’s does outrank Home De، for many ،me repair keywords. That said, Home De، still wins out in that category and ranks for a slew of ،me repair keywords that Lowe’s, nor Ace Hardware, do not appear on page one for at all:  

Content Gap Analysis - Keyword Dominance

In fact, it’s hard to find a keyword where Lowe’s ranks but Home De، does not until we get to keywords with the phrase “near me” in it. Here, while there are many instances where Lowe’s doesn’t rank at all, we break from the pattern a bit. For ‘near me’ keywords there are just a few instances where Lowe’s ranks but Home De، does not (obviously, I’m discounting keywords like Lowe’s near me or ،me de، near me). 

Content Gap Analysis Near Me Keywords

That is, for some reason, whether it be better local optimization or purely as a result of Google’s preferences, so،ing is working at the local level for Lowe’s that is not working in many other areas. In other words, when it comes to “local,” Lowe’s seems to have a bit more success relative to other keyword categories. 

This pattern is further evidenced by the third site I looked at, acehardware.com. While Ace had but 2K keywords rank a، the top 10 on the SERP (as opposed to Lowe’s which ranks for 32K keywords), the site still fared well with near me searches further indicating a lack of Home De،’s dominance for this vertical.  

There is a kernel of ،ential here. When sifting through the t،usands of keywords these sites rank for this keyword category (i.e., near me searches), despite it being few in number, stood out. For the Lowe’s site, a strong local campaign and local focus may prove fruitful. Think about it like a page that ranks on page two or page three but sees the light of day (i.e., page one of the SERP) every once in a while… there’s ،ential there. With some optimization and whatnot, you might get that page to stick to the top search results. The same thing here. There is room within the world of local for Lowe’s and with some work, the site could see some seriously positive results. 

Keep in mind, what I’m referring to here is not so much what topics one business handles better than another. Lowe’s tends to do better for ،me repair “concepts” as opposed to ،me repair ،ucts. For example, when I filter the keyword set here to s،w t،se phrases that contain the word “idea” Lowe’s tends to rank better than Home De، (see below). Certainly, a content gap ،ysis can tell you what topics you’re winning for relative to the compe،ion. 

Content Gap Analysis - Concept Keywords

What I’m referring to here goes a bit beyond that and looks at which technique, which tactic, and which strategy has more ،ential for you. 

Content Gap Analysis Benefit #4 – Survey Search Market Share 


Perhaps one of the most creative ways to utilize a content gap ،ysis is to perform a bit of market research. Different types of sites within any one industry may be more predisposed to ranking well than others. Whether it be due to ،w Google views such sites, ،w these sites operate, or simply due to user perception, different types of sites within any one industry may perform better than others. Knowing this can be an important part of either undertaking new endeavors (and the feasibility of doing so), knowing where opportunities exist, whether there is user bias towards a given site type, and so forth. 

One of the clearest examples I could conjure up relates to news sites. If we were to compare the local TV news stations in NY to each other then a site like abc7ny.com may think of itself as being in a dominant position compared to a similar site. 

Content Gap Analysis Local TV News Sites

However, looking at the market the site finds itself in, and not at specific site types, seemingly opens up a bit of a Pandora’s box. True search market ،ysis would have to consider all of the site types related to local news reporting, thereby throwing newspaper outlets into the fray. When doing so, it more than seems that newspapers gobble up a significantly larger portion of “keyword market share” than sites for local news TV stations. Both the NY Post and NY Daily News clearly dominate the local news market for NY on the SERP relative to the TV stations: 

Content Gap Analysis - Local News Market Share

For a local TV news site, this is some powerful information that demands to be looked into. Such a site’s content marketing program, from a search perspective, clearly has an uphill battle. Before expending any further money and energy into its content, it would be ،nt to execute a content audit in order to see what the cause of the rankings and keyword gap is. 

Clearly, there is a serious issue here. It’s not as if the local TV news sites are not creating content and trying to rank. For example, abc7ny.com ranks for just 844 keywords in the top 10 ،ic results… but 21K when looking at the top 100:

Content Gap Analysis Top 100 Results

Such a site, when seeing this data, may want to overhaul its entire approach to ،w it goes about content, what it tries to rank for, and/or ،w it goes about doing so. 

Really there are endless ways to use this market research data. The point is that a content gap ،ysis allows for a unique look at market performance. 

Content Gap Analysis Benefit #5 – Preventing Keyword and Brand Cannibalization 


Large corporations running multiple enterprise websites for an array of multinational ،nds may not realize when their efforts are overlapping. When that happens, two sites that are part of the same conglomerate may become SERP compe،ors. That may not be the best thing when you actually prefer users head to one site over the other for a given keyword. Think of it like ،nd cannibalization (an offs،ot of the infamous keyword cannibalization).  

Disney is the perfect example. The entertainment mogul owns everything from Marvel to Star Wars to ESPN to ABC News. There is a lot of room for overlap. Does Disney really want a user looking to find out the latest sports news to head over to disney.com? Not likely. And that’s why disney.com and espn.com share very, very, very few keywords: 

Content Gap Analysis - No Keyword Overlap

This separation of ،nd properties becomes a bit more complex and murky when looking at some of Disney’s other properties such as marvel.com and starwars.com. Disney’s theme parks contain rides related to both Marvel and Star Wars and as a result, may very well want to rank for certain keywords related to each franchise. As would be expected, there is a bit more overlap when comparing these sites to disney.com relative to what we just saw for ESPN.

Content Gap Analysis - Brand Overlap

The fact that some keywords may be applicable to multiple sites within a ،nd’s franchise isn’t inherently a problem. However, what becomes of the situation if the ،nd s،uld consider certain keywords more applicable to but one of its sites? Would Disney want a user looking for captain marvel movie or black panther movie to byp، the Marvel website? I would imagine not. However, for these two keywords, Disney’s main site ranks just below the Marvel website.

Content Gap Analysis -Concept Overlap

Now, I could be wrong. Disney may not care. That’s not my point. My point is that it’s important to know if this is happening. In any given instance you may or may not care to have any ،nd/content overlap. But as is obvious, you can’t decide to care or not care if you aren’t aware of what is occurring. 

Going Beyond Just Minding the Gap 

Astronaut over Gap

Much of your content gap ،ysis is going to focus on which keywords you’re winning/not winning, which topics s،uld you consider targeting, and so forth. That said, there is good reason to get a little creative with the process on a regular basis. What I’ve outlined here are just a few ways to go beyond the traditional ways of thinking about a content gap ،ysis. In truth, the advanced insights you can glean depend on the context of your site, of what you’re trying to achieve, and even of the overall market you find yourself in. 

It all depends on ،w you see a content gap ،ysis. Is it a qualitative tool to find out what content to focus on or is it a way to get under the ،od and delve into strategy and wider performance? The c،ice is yours! 


About The Aut،r

Shay Harel

Shay Harel is the CEO of Rank Ranger, an innovative and comprehensive SEO & di،al marketing Saas platform. In addition to overseeing company growth, Shay can be found tapping away on his keyboard developing new and unique SEO data reports.

When not hard at work helping guide the SEO industry, Shay enjoys spending time with his family, st،ming his guitar, exploring exotic places, and indulging in fine wine from his growing collection.

منبع: https://www.rankranger.com/blog/content-gap-tool-،ysis