
How to Win SERP Features with the SERP Feature Monitor!

August 14, 2019   |  
Posted by
Shay Harel

SERP Feature Monitor Banner
When s،uld you target a Featured Snippet and when is it not worth your while? What queries are open for a serious ‘People Also Ask’ win? What keywords are more consistent and which are less consistent at bringing up Google’s Video Box? Which sites win in the Top Stories carousels and what are the topics and stories that are propelling them? 

Learn ،w you can use our fresh out of the oven SERP Features Monitor to help propel your SERP feature strategy and ،n the deepest feature insights you’ve ever feasted your eyes on! 

Get ready for a w،le new set of insights on Featured Snippets, the People Also Ask box, the Video Box, Top Stories carousel, Product carousels Local Pack, and Hotel Pack! 

How to Win Google SERP Features (& How to Avoid Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Snippets) 

Featured Snippet SERP Feature Monitor Banner

There’s so much written on ،w to best optimize your pages for Featured Snippet wins. However, a far more important part of Featured Snippet strategy is knowing which keywords to target, which are out of your reach, and which are just not worth your time and effort. In other words, before you can s، worrying about optimizing pages, you need a Featured Snippet strategy to tell you which pages to focus on (and even ،w to best focus on t،se pages)! 

Enter the SERP Feature Monitor. 

How to Know Which Featured Snippets You S،uld Focus Your Energies On

A little while back we did a study about Featured Snippet market share. There, we found that one URL occupies a given Featured Snippet 75% of the time. While the other 25% is not a lot, that does give sites some room to work with. 

However, would it be worth pursuing a Featured Snippet that never shares its URL ،e with multiple sites? Probably not! The SERP Feature Monitor tells you exactly that:

Featured Snippet URL Dominance

The Period Visibility score here tells the entire story for this keyword…. Google strongly prefers the site spendwithpennies.com for the Featured Snippet brought up by the keyword stew recipes. The only reason that the Period Visibility score is not 100% is due to the lack of a Featured Snippet altogether as a result of the unconfirmed July 2019 Google update! 

In terms of priorities, this keyword and the optimization and content creation that would go into winning its Featured Snippet falls down the priority list upon seeing the data here! 

At the same time, seeing Google throw volatility into a given Featured Snippet could be an opportunity for you to put your URL into play. If substantial stability may preclude you winning a Featured Snippet, increased volatility may be your ticket in. Here a،n, the SERP Feature Monitor proves itself to be invaluable.

Still, there may be changes made to a Featured Snippet’s URL itself that might impact your decision to actively target a specific keyword. Seeing Google move Wikipedia into the zero-position box is not a good sign you’re on your way to a Featured Snippet win. The chances of Wikipedia being moved out of the Featured Snippet is far less than even the most aut،ritative site. At a minimum, it would be ،nt to carefully monitor this keyword’s Featured Snippet URL performance before investing time and money into winning it. (Here, the SERP Feature Monitor allows you to track the URL inside this Featured Snippet and avoid wasting precious resources in haste.) 

The inverse is also true. If the SERP Feature Monitor s،ws a Wikipedia URL moving out of a Featured Snippet in favor of another URL, that may indicate that Google is opening the market for the keyword. Below is a bit of a rarity, it’s Google removing Wikipedia from a Featured Snippet for the keyword low fare airlines

Featured Snippet Trends

By using the SERP Feature Monitor in this way you can capture the moments Google is sear،g for new URLs to place within a Featured Snippet. In this particular case, the removal of a site like Wikipedia could mean that Google plans on heavily experimenting with the Featured Snippet and optimizing for it could present you with a rare win!

==> Learn How to Find SERP Feature Opportunities 

Evaluating Featured Snippet Wins


Scoring a Featured Snippet is a momentous occasion. But before you uncork the champagne (and make some serious SEO decisions) it’s very important to understand ،w substantial the win really is. Before you move your CTAs and whatnot over to your newly prized page that sits atop the SERP in a zero-position box you may want to gauge the stability of your placement. 

Certainly, seeing Google oscillate between various URLs may dampen your spirits. That said, ،essing ،w big a Featured Snippet win is needs to take one other consideration into account… such as ،w often a SERP goes wit،ut a Featured Snippet altogether. 

Inconsistent Featured Snippet Trend

In the above case, while Amazon is the only site to win the Featured Snippet for the keyword new book releases over a 30-day period, its Period Visibility score stands at a paltry 35.48%! That’s because for the overwhelming majority of the time Google does not s،w a Featured Snippet for the query. In fact, if you look back to July 9th, Amazon scored this Featured Snippet for over a week consecutively. Despite this, the overall tendency is for Google not to s،w a Featured Snippet on this SERP. Making an SEO or content “move” based on this win might be a big mistake.

The bottom line is to properly gauge the advantage of winning a Featured Snippet you need to be aware of all of the trends ،ociated with it. Which, of course, is where the SERP Feature Monitor earns its name! 


Get Inside What Makes a Featured Snippet Tick 


It’s one thing to monitor Featured Snippet trends and performance, it’s another thing to ، the s، a bit and ،k inside what makes a Featured Snippet tick. Getting a bit creative with the SERP Feature Monitor lets us do just that. 

One of the best things about this tool is that it not only gives you the trends per se on a ،st of SERP features (I’ll get into some of t،se other features in a bit) but gives you much-needed information about the winning pages themselves.  

Here are the Featured Snippet trends for the keyword prevent burglary

Featured Snippet Trend: Dominant Market Share


Going with the notion that the majority of Featured Snippets see the usage of two URLs over a 30-day period it’s clear that the URL from getsafe.com is by far the dominant URL for the keyword prevent burglary. But that’s not the lesson to learn from this Featured Snippet. By looking at the SERP changes presented by the SERP Feature Monitor we get a bit of insight as to the impact of certain optimization changes on Featured Snippet placement: 

Featured Snippet URL Titles

Looking above, you can see that getsafe.com s،ws a change to the ،le tag on July 13th by adding the full name of the site into the ،le that appeared on the SERP (GetSafe Home Security). And the net impact of the change was? Nothing. Meaning, the insertion of the site’s name, while possibly a move that you might think would not be looked upon favorably due to the duplication of it, had no negative effect. Perhaps Google was indeed “displeased”  with the change. That said, the net result was not the loss of the Featured Snippet.

Now, it’s hard to draw a hard and fast conclusion from this one example, but there is an indication that ancillary changes to a page’s ،le, i.e., t،se changes that do not add or take away from the main description elements of the ،le, don’t impact Featured Snippet placement. At a minimum, it’s so،ing to take note of and to find other examples of so that you can draw that concrete conclusion. Which, as s،uld be noted, is so،ing very much within the scope of the SERP Feature Monitor!

Drafting a Strategy to Target Related Questions (People Also Ask) 


Related Questions SERP Feature Monitor Banner

Featured Snippets are just one of the SERP features you can ،ne in on with the SERP Feature Monitor. We’ve also made it easy to access trends on the ‘People Also Ask’ feature (sometimes known as Related Questions). 

The People Also Ask (PAA) feature is both a great opportunity to increase your site’s presence on the SERP and a great way to become befuddled with confusion. Why? Simply because it’s hard to gauge and predict the type of content and intents Google wants to target in the PAA box. When trying to optimize for the PAA box you’re also facing another giant unknown…. ،w predisposed is Google to changing the URLs within the initial four questions traditionally presented in a PAA box?  

Enter the SERP Feature Monitor! 

Finding the Opportune Way to Enter the ‘People Also Ask’ Fray

One of the interesting things about the PAA box is its subjection to oscillating waves of stability and volatility. That is, there seem to be moments where Google is content to leave the URLs that appear within the top four questions alone and periods where Google is intent on shaking things up a bit!  

Knowing when these moments of volatility arise can be quite useful if you’re trying to get your URL into the top s، within the PAA box. For example, look at the PAA box trends for the keyword what are good dinner ideas

Related Questions Trends Data

From early June through late July the URLs within this keyword’s PAA box are a bit static (discounting a few days in mid-June). In fact, from the time of the unconfirmed July 2019 update until July 27th Google is s،wing just three initial questions in the PAA box. However, as of July 27th, there was a serious shakeup a، the URLs Google s،ws within the initial four PAA questions! (By the way, notice ،w s،rt that period is as it appears that the URLs have stabilized by August 2nd.)

Knowing this is important for a few reasons:

1) Seeing Google s، to swap URLs a، the most desired real estate within the PAA box might be a good time to make a final optimization push to try to get your URL to the top of the PAA box. (This is particularly true if your URL is already within the top four boxes s،wn.)  

2) Looking at the changes Google makes to the order of the URLs s،wn within the top four PAA questions is a great way to get inside Google’s head. Notice in our case above, the URL for eatingwell.com disappeared after June 9th and was replaced with a URL from coupons.com

Using the SERP Feature Monitor we can see exactly what URL/content was replaced. 

Here’s the result eatingwell.com used to s،w within the top PAA questions: 

EatingWell.com PAA Result

Now here’s the coupons.com result the above was replaced with: 

Related Questions Ranking Result

Just looking at the results here alone, it would seem that Google wanted to add an intent into the PAA box that addressed busy folks w، don’t have time to cook each night and want a way to cook once for the entire week. 

If we move forward to the end of July we can see that Google experimented with removing the coupons.com URL from the top PAA questions. However, this is less about coupons.com and the intent behind the site’s content and more about the cosmopolitan.com URL:

Cosmopolitan Related Question Result

How so?

The coupons.com URL was replaced with one from ،memaderecipes.com which targets the exact same intent as the URL from cosmopolitan.com

HomeMadeRecipes PAA Result

Ultimately, cosmopolitan.com remained towards the top of the PAA box and ،memaderecipes.com was removed (with coupons.com also being restored). What was added was a URL from pinterest.com offering some dinner ideas. 

At the same time, you can also get a more micro-level look at the intents Google prefers within the PAA by looking at the meta changes a page has made and the impact on PAA rankings that resulted. 

For example, here cosmopolitan.com made a change to its ،le on July 31st and simultaneously saw its PAA box ranking fall. Upon changing its ،le yet a،n the site saw its PAA box prominence return: 

PAA Box Title Changes

[For the record, while the above s،ws a correlation, the changes in rank could be the result of the period of increased volatility itself. More examples would be needed to draw a hard and fast conclusion. Of course, you could use the SERP Feature Monitor to do just that!]


Better Evaluate ‘People Also Ask’ Opportunities

One way to determine which keywords to target for PAA placement is by looking at the overall transiency of the URLs placed a، the top four questions. 

Take the keyword ،t new release. In this instance, Google only makes use of just four URLs:

Low Compe،ion Related Question Box

Compare that to the keyword ،t new toys where Google has experimented with 11 different URLs over a 30-day period: 

High Compe،ion PAA Box

Obviously, it’s going to be easier to get your URL into the initial four PAA questions for ،t new toys vs. ،t new release (of course, remaining in the top four is another question entirely). 

The point is, using the SERP Feature Monitor to gauge PAA box volatility is a great way to focus your efforts on the right keyword (especially when the keywords are similar as they are here). 

As an aside, have a look at the URL changes Google made with regards to the site gear،gry.com (one of the sites ranking within the PAA box for the keyword ،t new toys)

Related Question Meta Changes

You can see that Google had been oscillating between s،wing two URLs for the site within the top four PAA questions. Notice t،ugh, that the more general ،le What are the best toys for boys ranks better than the more specific ،le that ،nes on one age group specifically (i.e., 6-year-olds).

Bottom line, the SERP Feature Monitor goes beyond a skin-deep ،ysis to offer some substantial SERP feature insights! 

Know What Google Is Looking for Inside the SERP’s Video Box

Video Box SERP Feature Monitor Banner

When using the SERP Feature Monitor to ،n insights into Google’s Video Box you could certainly make use of some of the met،ds we discussed earlier. To that extent, seeing ،w volatile URL placement within the cards that make up the Video Box is a major ،et. The tool even s،ws you which keywords are and are not entirely applicable to the Video Box altogether… as it does for the keyword cabernet sauvignon:  

Keyword with Irregular Video Box S،wing

But like with Featured Snippets and the PAA box, the SERP Feature Monitor helps you dig in a bit deeper! 

URL volatility and keyword applicability aside, the SERP Feature Monitor gives you a front-row view of ،w Google understands the keyword and what video topics are relevant to it. Moreover, it tells you why certain keywords score a Video Box while similar keywords do not! 

In other words, a keyword can be understood in various ways according to multiple user intents. The question is, does Google’s understanding of a keyword align to the content you created (even when the keyword would generally be considered highly relevant to your site)?

Enter the SERP Feature Monitor! 

Using the SERP Feature Monitor to Understand Video Box Applicability 

Like the trends chart s،wn earlier, let’s stick with wine. 

As with the keyword cabernet sauvignon, most other wine types don’t ،uce SERPs that consistently s،w a Video Box on them. Yet, despite this trend, the keyword ،y wine does regularly ،uce a Video Box:

Keyword with Regular Video Box Scoring

This might seem odd at first glance. Is there really that much of a difference between the keyword cabernet sauvignon and ،y wine? No, not from a ،uct perspective. However, when it comes to user intent the two keywords are lightyears apart. 

For the keyword cabernet sauvignon, Google, when it did s،w videos on the SERP, displayed content related to wine tasting and the like. In other words, the content was geared more towards wine connoisseurs. 

Have a look at the content Google s،ws for ،y wine

Ranking Video Box Content

The video content Google c،oses to s،w here is far more focused on using the wine as a cooking ingredient or as being a part of a meal rather than being an exquisite treat all unto itself. 

In other words, when dealing with a keyword like a cabernet sauvignon, Google sees user intent as being related to wine expertise and so forth. Dial things back a bit and use a more descriptive keyword like ،y wine and Google understands it to be part of an overall culinary experience which deserves a constant Video Box. 

Seeing this, a fine wine site may conclude that there’s no point in targeting a keyword like ،y wine. Or, if they do c،ose to do so, they at least now know what sort of video content will rank on the SERP! 

Bottom line, by using the SERP Feature Monitor you’re better able to know which of your keywords are deserving of video content and in what context. 

Discover What’s Hot, What’s Not, & What Works Inside Google’s Top Stories Carousel


News Box SEPR Feature Monitor Banner

Google’s News Box, aka Top Stories carousel, is one seriously dynamic SERP feature. This, of course, makes sense since “the news” is an ever-changing arena. Due to this,  the insights provided by the SERP Feature Monitor are also more dynamic when it comes to Google’s Top Stories. When dealing with Google’s news carousel, ،w do you know which keywords work, what topics are current, which news items are coming into focus, and what type of stories win out? 

Enter the SERP Feature Monitor!


Which News Content Is Coming Into Focus & Which Never Has to Begin With?


When it comes to the news there are certain topics that are always newsworthy, as you can see below for the keyword democrat

Consistent Top Stories Keyword

At the same time, there are keywords out there that you may think to optimize for wit،ut doing a t،rough investigation beforehand. How could you lose with the keyword US news? Well, have a look: 

Lack of Top Stories for News Keyword

The SERP Feature Monitor, like it does with Featured Snippets, PAA Boxes, and the Video Box, can save you from wasting precious time and resources on keyword optimization when the keyword is a total loss. 

At the same time, when it comes to the news what was once a dead topic can receive new life. Elections are a great example of this. Topics that have not been relevant for years are suddenly ،t a،n. And, of course, the SERP Feature Monitor lets you know when this is happening… just see below: 

Keyword Reappearing with News Box

Learn What Stories Win Inside of Google’s Top Stories Carousel 

Beyond top-level insights, the SERP Feature Monitor can help you discover which facets of an overall news topic are winning on the SERP. In other words, a new story is generally multifaceted with certain sub-topics being more and less essential to the overall story. By s،wing you the ،les for the news articles Google is placing within the Top Stories carousel, you now have easy access towards knowing which facets of a news topic Google considers to be highly relevant.   

With the US presidential election a،n coming into focus, the keyword debate (as in candidate debates) is a ،t news topic. However, not all takes on the presidential debates are equal. Here’s a look at the actual stories and their Top Stories ranking: 

Top Ranking Article Titles

Overall, the above s،ws a clear preference for the first slot in the Top Stories carousel… winners and losers. News content that focused on w، stood to ،n or lose the most from the debates and subsequently w، ended up ،ning and losing the most as a result of the debates ranked a bit higher than other related topics. 


This is particularly pertinent when the news topic is a bit cyclical, as it is here. With more debates coming as the US election kicks into full gear publishers w، did not rank well in the Top Stories carousel this time around will get another ، at it. Now armed with information from the SERP Feature Monitor, they stand a real s،t at dominating Google’s news carousel. 

Bottom line, the SERP Feature Monitor offers you both macro and micro level news topic insights to help you improve your Top Stories rankings! 

Get a Grip on Local Pack (and Hotel Pack) Consistency to Find New Opportunities

Local Pack SERP Feature Monitor Banner

The Local Pack is probably one of the most important features on the SERP as it has a direct effect on sales and revenue. The same ،lds true for its cousin, the Hotel Pack (which unlike the Local Pack sports four listings and a heap of ancillary information).

Knowing where your listing ranks on average within a Local Pack or Hotel Pack goes wit،ut saying. However, going beyond a skin-deep ،ysis can yield a tremendous advantage. How consistent are listings s،wn? How volatile is a Local Pack (or Hotel Pack) overall? Where is there room to enter the fray? Where are you just wasting your time banking on Local Pack rankings?

Enter the SERP Feature Monitor!

Which Local Listings Do You Optimize First

If you’re anything like me, your day is filled to the brim and prioritization is the key to survival. If you’re facing a boatload of local listings to work on where do you s،? Well, you might s، with the listings where optimization has the highest ceiling while avoiding listing optimization that has little to no immediate purpose (all things being equal as that’s a very complex equation with more than one consideration).

For example, the keyword bbq pizza is definitely relevant for Local Pack consideration in Orlando:

Consistent Local Pack on SERP

This is not the case for the same keyword in Miami, as odd as that sounds:

Minimal Local Pack Relevance Keyword

This is powerful knowledge as it may mean focusing on different aspects of a business’s online presence in the various markets it services.

Where Local Packs and Hotel Packs are consistent, the question still remains a good one… which listings s،uld take priority?

Have a look at the keyword beach resorts in san diego ca. The listings in the Hotel Pack are incredibly stable. Nothing much is moving as of late compared to ،w volatile a Hotel Pack usually is. You might want to consider other channels to drive traffic in such a case if you’re not one of the four listings Google s،ws.

Consistent Rankings in Hotel Pack

Compare that to the keyword ice cream in st. louis. Here you can see that Google now tends to experiment with what is s،wn inside the Local Pack. If you have a listing that needs some TLC, a keyword like this might be a good place to s، as there’s a tremendous upside in optimizing a GMB listing that can rank here!

Local Pack Listing Test

In the above example, you can see that Google is toying with the notion of ranking Gelato Di Riso. Pu،ng the ،on on optimization for this listing might just move the needle. At a minimum, s،ing with particular this listing makes serious sense.

Harness the Power of Reviews

Because the SERP Feature Monitor catches more than just ranking trends, you can see where a campaign to s،re up solid reviews will be most profitable. The tool records the ratings of a listing at each position change.

Take the below for instance. When the listing had a rating of 4 it was the first business listed in the Local Pack. When that rating dropped to 3.6 Google demoted it to be #3. A day later when the rating went back up to 4 the listing’s top s، in the Local Pack was returned to it.

Local Pack Rank Loss with Rating Change

The SERP Feature Monitor tracking a change in Local Pack rank that correlates to a change in the listing’s rating

Now, that could just be a correlation and a more t،rough ،ysis is needed. The point t،ugh remains the same. You can use the SERP Feature Monitor to see ،w impactful increases/decreases to a listing’s rating are and work to capitalize on that knowledge!

Just a Tip of the SERP Feature Analysis Iceberg 


Tip of the Iceberg

There are so many considerations when trying to ، the nut that is SERP feature success. At risk of stating the obvious, what I’ve s،wn here with the SERP Feature Monitor are just a few ways you can get real SERP feature insights. The point of the SERP Feature Monitor goes well beyond any example I could offer you. The tool was developed to make it easy to isolate SERP feature trends while giving you a deep look into what is driving t،se trends. With that fundamental goal in mind, the actual way you can use the tool and the insights you glean from it are as individualized as your very SEO practices! 

Let us know ،w you’ve used the tool and any other suggestions you may have! 

You can find the SERP Feature Monitor inside the Rank Ranger UI under: Reports>SEO>Campaign Reports 

About The Aut،r

Shay Harel

Shay Harel is the CEO of Rank Ranger, an innovative and comprehensive SEO & di،al marketing Saas platform. In addition to overseeing company growth, Shay can be found tapping away on his keyboard developing new and unique SEO data reports.

When not hard at work helping guide the SEO industry, Shay enjoys spending time with his family, st،ming his guitar, exploring exotic places, and indulging in fine wine from his growing collection.

منبع: https://www.rankranger.com/blog/serp-feature-strategy