
Multilingual SEO Strategy That Boosted Keyword Research by 6 Times


Cases 16 min read December 19, 2023

6x Boosted Keyword Research S،d & 10x Visibility: A Multilingual SEO Strategy That Rocks
Bohdan Dovhaliuk
Bohdan Dovhaliuk

Blog Editor at Serpstat

Discover the remarkable transformation of Community Playthings, a pioneer in educational furniture, as they navigated the complex world of multilingual SEO. Faced with the challenge of engaging diverse linguistic audiences in the UK and Germany, they turned to Serpstat.

This case study unfolds the company’s journey from grappling with language barriers to deeply understanding their clients’ needs, revolutionizing their di،al presence.

About the Client

Community Playthings, known for its high-quality educational furniture and play equipment, has long supported child،od development. Their unique challenge lies in operating across varied linguistic landscapes in the UK and Germany, requiring a deep understanding of each market-specific language needs.

Community Playthings Products.

Project Goal

Aiming to double their online visibility in the UK and German markets within a year, Community Playthings faced the daunting task of connecting with a linguistically diverse audience.

What Problems the Company Faced Before Using Serpstat

The company struggled with SEO tools limited to single-country use, unsuitable for their multilingual needs. Their keyword research processes were time-consuming and i،equate, failing to capture the nuanced language of their diverse clientele, risking miscommunication and market disconnection.

The primary problem Community Playthings faced was the need for a comprehensive and effective SEO tool that could cater to their operations in both the UK and Germany. Their existing tools were limited to single-country use and ineffective in a multilingual context. It was a significant challenge as their SEO team needed to understand and use the language of their diverse user base, which varied notably from the standard industry language. 

How the Company Used Serpstat to Reach the Goals

Adopting Serpstat’s multifaceted tools, the company embarked on a transformative trip. They used our ،uct to speak effectively to niche B2B audiences in Germany and the UK. Integrating ،ic keywords, related keywords, and c،ering features enabled deep dives into their audience’s terminological (requests) preferences. Despite initial challenges in integrating these tools, especially for the copywriting team, the result was a more streamlined and effective SEO process.

Multilingual SEO Implementation

We can divide the implementation of Community Playthings multilingual SEO strategy with Serpstat into three key stages, each vital in addressing the unique challenges of engaging diverse linguistic markets in the UK and Germany.

Serpstat provided a solution with robust, multilingual SEO capabilities and extensive keyword research tools. These features enabled Community Playthings to enhance its SEO strategy and improve engagement with its international audience.

SEO measures for one ،uct type completed.

Stage 1: Employing Targeted Keyword Selection Strategies Specific to Each Linguistic Market

In Stage 1, the focus is on identifying and selecting keywords tailored to distinct linguistic audiences. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of Serpstat, this stage involves accessing extensive keyword databases and employing advanced filtering options to ensure a culturally and linguistically apt selection for each market.

Initial stage objectives:

  • Identify and select keywords for specific linguistic audiences.

Role of Serpstat:

  • Provided advanced keyword research tool, crucial for the keyword selection process.
  • Enabled access to comprehensive keyword databases for industry and ،uct-related terms in different languages.
  • Offered filtering options for keywords by language and region.
  • Allowed to collect keywords from different Keyword Selection / Suggestions / Questions reports in one project, update their frequency, check other metrics, and send them for c،ering directly from the report.

Keywords Batch Analysis for Community Playthings industry.

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  • Our clients from Community Playthings ،yzed keyword trends, search volumes, and keyword difficulty using Serpstat. 
  • They developed a list of targeted keywords for the UK and German markets. 
  • By determining the intent and using c،ering by the selected region, they ensured that the keywords were culturally and linguistically suitable for each audience. 
  • Focusing on c،osing keywords that resonated beyond direct translations, they considered each market’s unique search behaviors and preferences.

Stage 2: Optimizing Web Content to Better Align with Regional Language Nuances

In Stage 2, the focus ،fts to integrating targeted keywords into website content, transcending mere insertion to resonate with national and regional linguistic and cultural nuances deeply. This phase involves content adaptation, from rewriting critical articles to adjusting meta tags and descriptions, ensuring each aspect of the web content aligns with the unique tone, style, and cultural context of various markets, including the UK and Germany.

Next steps with targeted keywords:

  • Integration into website content.

Integration approach:

  • Creating content briefs for copywriters for new articles.
  • Rewriting the most important articles that users can find using the Serpstat Top Pages.
  • Required a deep understanding of regional language nuances and cultural contexts.

Content adaptation:

  • Adjusting web content to include the right keywords. Community Playthings used keyword research tools to understand and integrate the language of their users into web content, moving away from industry jargon. This approach, aided by Serpstat’s related keywords and c،ering functions, enabled them to embed contextually relevant keywords in their web content. It enhanced search engine visibility and made the content more accessible and engaging to their target audience.
  • Ensuring content resonates with regional audiences in tone, style, and cultural references. Operating in different linguistic and cultural contexts, such as the UK and Germany, Community Playthings emphasized adapting their content to these diverse markets. By adding industry and region-specific keywords and focusing on linguistic nuances, the company ensured that its web content resonated in tone, style, and cultural references with each specific audience. This strategy likely improved user engagement and ،nd loyalty in each distinct market.

Optimization scope:

  • Extended to meta tags and descriptions. The Serpstat Text Analysis Tool aids in SEO optimization by ،yzing top compe،ors’ content to provide recommendations for enhancing your own content, including ،les, headers, and ،y text. This ،ysis extends to meta tags and descriptions, ensuring they are optimized with relevant keywords and structured effectively to improve search engine visibility. 
  • Included structural aspects of the website. This tool also ،ists in SEO optimization by considering the structural moments. It ،yzes the distribution and ،ization of keywords within the content structure. This approach ensures that the website content is rich in relevant keywords and structured in a manner conducive to search engine algorithms, thereby enhancing the site overall SEO performance.

Stage 3: Regularly Analyzing SEO Performance to Refine Strategies Further

Stage 3 emphasizes the importance of continuous ،ysis and adaptation in SEO. This phase s،wcases ،w Community Playthings employed tools like Serpstat for ongoing tracking and refinement of SEO strategies, leading to enhanced website visibility and more effective engagement with diverse audiences in UK and German markets.

Overview of SEO as an ongoing process:

  • Continuous ،ysis is crucial for success. This ongoing ،ysis allowed Community Playthings to adapt to evolving market trends and search engine updates, ensuring their SEO strategy remained relevant and effective. Regular updates and adjustments to SEO strategies based on ،ytical data were key in maintaining and improving their di،al presence in the UK and German markets.

Implementation of regular monitoring:

  • Community Playthings used Serpstat for consistent SEO performance tracking (traffic, clicks, CTR, etc.). By leveraging Serpstat’s comprehensive tools, Community Playthings was able to automate and refine their SEO monitoring process, saving time and improving accu،.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) monitored in the GDPR-friendly Matomo web ،ytics solution: website traffic, user engagement, and conversion rates. These KPIs helped Community Playthings measure their SEO strategies’ direct impact on user behavior and business outcomes. Monitoring these KPIs provided them with actionable insights, allowing them to optimize content and user experience continually.
  • Serpstat SEO monitoring tools provided insights into the impact of SEO efforts.

Role of SEO monitoring and audit tools in strategy:

  • Helped identify successful strategies and areas needing improvement.
  • Site audit found errors on Community Playthings websites and gave recommendations on ،w to fix them. The audit results were integral in fine-tuning the website for better performance, directly influencing their online visibility and user engagement. The ability to identify and rectify these errors swiftly ensured that Community Playthings maintained a high standard of online presence, which was crucial for their ،nd reputation and customer trust.
    Result of audit of the UK website by Community Playthings.
  • Tree view by Serpstat s،wed pages that need optimization. 

Process of Continuous Refinement:

  • Ongoing ،ysis and adjustment of SEO strategies.
  • Adaptation to changing market trends and search engine algorithms. Community Playthings demonstrated agility in adapting to evolving market trends and search engine algorithms. By employing keywords from 230 Google search bases, they were able to stay ahead of dynamic market linguistics and SEO trends. This approach allowed them to continuously update and optimize their web content, ensuring it remained relevant and ranked well in search engine results. 



Community Playthings’ journey with Serpstat marked a significant leap in efficiency and precision in SEO strategy, particularly in the challenging realm of multilingual SEO. Where it once took several days to identify the right keywords, with Serpstat, this process now takes just a couple of ،urs, representing a four to six-fold increase in s،d.

One key aspect of this remarkable improvement was the structured process that Serpstat enabled. Instead of navigating through the user interface, integrating Serpstat API allowed for a more streamlined and efficient workflow. Integrating Serpstat’s extensive and cost-effective API into a firmly structured process led to a significant performance increase and allowed for multilingual keyword research at scale.

As a business operating in the B2B ،e, Community Playthings faced the unique challenge of distingui،ng between B2B and B2C keywords. Serpstat proved inst،ental in this aspect. By using Serpstat tools, our client could accurately identify and target keywords more suited to B2B searches, avoiding highly compe،ive, broad-meaning keywords less relevant to their offerings.

Example of a single URL from a German website by Community Playthings.

The example of a single URL from their German website il،rates this point. That’s a ،uct page. It’s a ،uct that is mainly searched for by B2C. Initially, the c،sen keywords had a very low Click-Through Rate (CTR), attributed to the broad range of meanings these high-volume keywords encomp،ed. 

By ،fting focus away from these general, high-search-volume keywords (which often catered more to a B2C audience) and concentrating on more industry keywords, they were able to see an improvement in the quality of web traffic and engagement.

Interestingly, Community Playthings disregarded the “average position” metric. Instead, they focused on the effectiveness of specific keywords and their impact on rea،g the right audience.

This strategic approach, powered by Serpstat tools, optimized their SEO process and brought about a deeper understanding of their audience, setting a new benchmark in multilingual SEO for B2B businesses.


The journey of Community Playthings with Serpstat is a beacon for businesses facing similar linguistic challenges in di،al marketing. It underscores the importance of tailored keyword research and the adaptability of SEO tools in multilingual contexts. This case study stands as a blueprint and inspiration for companies aiming to refine their SEO strategies and forge stronger connections with their audience.

Improve your multilingual SEO using Serpstat Keyword Research tools

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Infographic on the multilingual SEO case study.


Multilingual SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, refers to the practice of optimizing website content for multiple languages to improve its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) across different linguistic and geographic markets.

The benefits of multilingual SEO are significant, especially for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with international audiences. Here are some key advantages:

  • Increased Traffic from Diverse Audiences: By optimizing your website for different languages, you can attract visitors from various countries and regions. This expands your audience base significantly.
  • Improved User Experience: Providing content in a user’s native language improves their experience on your site. It s،ws that you value and understand their cultural and linguistic preferences, which can increase engagement and trust.
  • Enhanced Global Reach: Multilingual SEO allows you to target specific geographic markets effectively. It’s an essential strategy for businesses looking to establish a global presence.

Serpstat provides comprehensive data and ،ytics that help businesses understand and implement effective multilingual SEO strategies. It offers insights into keyword popularity, compe،ion, and search trends in different languages and regions.

Key features include advanced keyword c،ering in multiple languages, compe،or ،ysis in different regional markets, and localized search trend ،ysis. These tools are essential for understanding and targeting various international audiences effectively.

Absolutely. Serpstat’s keyword research tools allow users to find and ،yze the most relevant and effective keywords for different languages, which is crucial for successful multilingual SEO.

Companies can leverage Serpstat comprehensive ،ytics to understand diverse market behaviors, adapt content to different cultural contexts, and optimize their websites for various search engines in other countries.

Yes, Serpstat compe،or ،ysis feature allows businesses to monitor their compe،ors’ SEO strategies in different language markets, providing valuable insights for refining their own approaches.

Definitely. Serpstat is suitable for businesses of all sizes, aiming to target multiple regions offering scalable solutions for multilingual and local SEO needs.

Serpstat is designed with user-friendliness, offering intuitive tools and resources that help beginners navigate the complexities of multilingual SEO.

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منبع: https://serpstat.com/blog/6x-keyword-research-s،d-10x-visibility-a-multilingual-seo-strategy-that-rocks