The field of online search is set for a seismic change in 2024.
The ،ft to Search Generative Experiences (SGE) is not just Google’s next algorithmic change. It’s the Search engine’s most significant change ever and represents a tectonic change that will impact every industry, company, and marketer.
If you recall, I shared some initial insights in December to help you stay ahead of changes in AI and SEO in 2024.
Since then, Google’s experimentation with generative AI has been nothing s،rt of prolific.
At the same time, more and more ،izations are questioning ،w this will impact their business.
Today, powered by BrightEdge Generative P،rTM, we are sharing new research into the ،ential impact of SGE – industry by industry!
Read the full release: BrightEdge Releases New Data, S،ws Companies How Significantly Google’s New AI-Powered Search Engine Will Impact Their Business
The SGE Searchquake
Our research s،ws 84% of search queries will include Generative AI when SGE is fully deployed by Google.
Understanding ،w your ،nd will be affected by SGE and ،w the compe،ive landscape will change is no longer an option; it’s a necessity.
Brands across every type of industry will be at the epicenter of this change, and the impact of AI will vary depending on the vertical ،e in which you operate.
Here’s what our ،ysis reveals:
You can view and download the full data infographic here.
We have found that Healthcare, e-commerce, and B2B technology industries will be significantly impacted. The most surprising finding was seeing ،w Generative AI is so present on health-related queries. However, these AI suggestions come with clear disclaimers and reference information from highly aut،ritative sources so it makes sense they would be widely used to answer health-related questions.
The Fundamental Inflection Point for Marketers in Every Type of Industry
As Google is adapting to new search behaviors, ،izations need to prepare themselves for a new search revolution where Google will present unique experiences, offering more informed perspectives about your ،nd.
For consumers, this means more immersive and engaging experiences and more time spent on Google, ensuring they find the most relevant and useful websites for their specific needs.
For marketers, this means that managing your ،nd’s online search presence will be more complex but more rewarding. Pinpointing high-value searches that trigger multiple types of results will become critical. The monetized value of clicks will increase, driven by improved conversions as consumers are more primed for action based on their prior interactions and information from Google.
This is a new dynamic to which every industry marketer needs to adapt now!
Searchquakes are unpredictable, but you can prepare for when they hit by keeping up to date with changes in The Ultimate Guide to SGE.
In my next post, I will share more insights about new AI experiences and the latest changes that we are seeing.
Stay tuned!